Full Manual Uninstall Sims 3 Mac

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Follow step by step how to uninstall The Sims 3. Remember to cut the Sims 3 document folder for backup, and backup your registry. The Sims 3 Expansion Pack Installation Order Expansion/Stuff Pack Install Order and Manual Uninstall of EPs/SPs. This page covers the install and uninstall process for The Sims 3. Learn how to uninstall The Sims 3 and its Expansion and Stuff Packs from your Mac and PC by using Origin and manual uninstallation through your computer.

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  • edited July 2009
    Hi Keens,
    A few Mac users have this problem.
    EA support has not been helpfull at all but we some help of the people at the forums we have found a way to fix the update.
    I think that the problem is caused by case sensitive filesystem, by default Mac's filesystem is case insensitive.
    A lot of information can be found in this thread -> http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/60/33801.page
    Short version.
    Download the patch manually. You are using SKU 1 so the link to the patch you need is this.
    Double Click on the file to extract it and you will see SIM3-Update-002432-1.0.631.00002.app
    This is the patch installer.
    Before you run this patch you have to make a small changes to the Sims3.app
    Go to /Application/The Sims 3/
    Right click on the The Sims 3.app and select 'Show package content'
    A new folder opens, go to /Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/Electronic Art/The Sims 3/Game/Bin
    In this folder you should see a file called Default.ini
    Rename it to default.ini *** -> Notice the difference in capital D / d
    When you have renamed that file run the patch installer and the game should update.
    If you still have any problems let us know.
    Also if it works for you let us know too, that way we can help other people that can't update.
  • edited July 2009
    Okay following your instructions, the patch applied flawlessly and now I have a nice new launcher with all the fixings missing from the original launcher. I'm downloading the second world and the prius right now. So far so good. I'll let you guys know if anything goes wrong but it looks like this fixed it! Thanks so much!
  • edited July 2009
    Is it horrible that I find this fix hilarious?
    All the running around the tech support people gave everyone and it was a TYPO on THEIR part. Did anyone update their tech support queue to tell them their users fixed their problem?
  • edited July 2009
    Great to hear that it is working.
    I have opened a ticket for this issue before I knew the solution.
    I have received one reply from them asking for screenshots.
    At the moment I'm just waiting for them to contact me again. If they don't contact me, I'm not going to tell them how to fix this issue. Although I'll keep an eye on the forums to see if anybody else needs help.
    We should be rewarded free sims credit for this.
  • edited July 2009
    Great to hear that it is working.
    I have opened a ticket for this issue before I knew the solution.
    I have received one reply from them asking for screenshots.
    At the moment I'm just waiting for them to contact me again. If they don't contact me, I'm not going to tell them how to fix this issue. Although I'll keep an eye on the forums to see if anybody else needs help.
    We should be rewarded free sims credit for this.

    Yes.. you should.
    Seriously .. it would be cool if there was a kudos system in place that would award sim points for people who are helpful in the forums. In fact, I'm going to suggest it.
  • edited July 2009
    i think you need to up date the ea download manager
  • edited July 2009
    When I had that problem (the pop up in the Store/Exchange telling me to update when it already was updated), all I did was click the box in that pop up that said 'I have patched my game' or whatever and I never had that problem again. Everything downloaded and installed with no problems, too.
    It's possible I'm misreading and the problem being described here is totally different, though.
  • edited July 2009
    I think you were both misreading.
    Can't update the launcher to fix the problem with the launcher, unless the launcher is updated.
    Schnussel found where certain mac launchers were looking for a file and couldn't find it because the system was set to 'case sensitive'. Once you change the capital letter in the file name to lowercase, the mac system can find the file it's looking for and the update downloads just fine -- problem solved.
    The error message that comes when you download custom content is something completely different, and as you said, can be easily bypassed by telling it you have updated already.
    Of course, that doesn't work unless you really *have* updated. EA hasn't been able to tell anyone how to fix this, and until Schnussel came along.. we had no answers.
    Yeah.. he's my hero
  • edited July 2009
    I had an open ticket as well and they replied the same manual uninstall/reinstall method. They even asked me to right click the icon and 'Run as Administrator'. lol. I gave em a piece of my mind. I told them that it was the forums that answered my question and that they need to get their reps to start actually READING the help tickets since I clearly stated it was Mac not Windows, and that I'd already uninstalled/reinstalled. Schnussel you get kudos from me. I haven't been able to update since I bought the game 2 weeks ago and EA was slow to answer.
    Keithie and unsecret, Corgwn is correct. I think you are misreading the discrep. The problem is that the launcher doesn't see any updates available and therefore will not allow the downloads. Only the update would fix this problem. Schnussel was correct in identifying my partition as case sensitive. As soon as I changed the default.ini file, I was able to patch though not through the launcher. (I did try it before manual patching).
    Finally, I have successfully downloaded Riverside and a whole bunch of other items and they did indeed install. I started a new sim in the new neighborhood. So once again..KUDOS Schnussel!
  • edited July 2009
    I seem to be having the same issue. Cant use downloaded content or purchesed items from store etc.
    My Sims3 launcher says my updates are current and it's Version
    I've renamed the Default file to default..HELP :?:
  • edited July 2009
    I seem to be having the same issue. Cant use downloaded content or purchesed items from store etc.
    My Sims3 launcher says my updates are current and it's Version
    I've renamed the Default file to default..HELP :?:

    If your version is then you have the latest version and the solutions in this thread doesn't apply to your situation.
    Can you explain what happens when you try to download riverview?
    After you have downloaded content it is not in the game yet, you need to install it first.
    On the launcher go to Downloads, select the item you want to install then click the Install button on the botem.
    Then check under Installed Content to see if the item is correctly installed and you should be able to use it in game.
  • edited July 2009
  • edited July 2009
    It didn't work. I have a different problem involving File Permissions. I have to uninstall the game in order to get it to work, but my sister won't let me. Is there a way around this?
  • edited July 2009
    Yep. Easy way around it (I'm guessing she's worried about the save games and such) is to copy the Electronic Arts folder ,located in Documents, to an external source (usb hdd, flash drive) then uninstall, repair permissions, reinstall then copy the Electronic Arts folder back.
  • edited July 2009
    I seem to be having the same issue. Cant use downloaded content or purchesed items from store etc.
    My Sims3 launcher says my updates are current and it's Version
    I've renamed the Default file to default..HELP :?:

    If your version is then you have the latest version and the solutions in this thread doesn't apply to your situation.
    Can you explain what happens when you try to download riverview?
    After you have downloaded content it is not in the game yet, you need to install it first.
    On the launcher go to Downloads, select the item you want to install then click the Install button on the botem.
    Then check under Installed Content to see if the item is correctly installed and you should be able to use it in game.

    Yep, I thought that was the latest version. I downloaded some content from the Exchange and installed it but couldn't find it in the game, not sure if I'm doing it incorrectly. How do you find it? Is there a link to instructions on using the exchange?
    Last night when I used my sim points in the store and purchased a set, I got a message saying that it couldn't be downloaded because I need to update? So where has the content gone that I've purchased?? I'll try riverview now..
    ETA: I tried downloading riverview and got this message
    [quotePlease update your game.
    You are running a version of The Sims™ 3 that does not support uploading and downloading of content. Please use the Game Updates feature of The Sims 3 Launcher to update your game.
    I'm patched. Continue and download Item.
    I clicked 'I'm patched' and it went on to download.. so is this just a glitch in the program?
  • edited July 2009
    I think you were both misreading.
    Can't update the launcher to fix the problem with the launcher, unless the launcher is updated.
    Schnussel found where certain mac launchers were looking for a file and couldn't find it because the system was set to 'case sensitive'. Once you change the capital letter in the file name to lowercase, the mac system can find the file it's looking for and the update downloads just fine -- problem solved.
    The error message that comes when you download custom content is something completely different, and as you said, can be easily bypassed by telling it you have updated already.
    Of course, that doesn't work unless you really *have* updated. EA hasn't been able to tell anyone how to fix this, and until Schnussel came along.. we had no answers.
    Yeah.. he's my hero

    Also just changing the D to d in Default.ini doesnt allow the launcher to find updates for me.
    I've had to use http://llnet.thesims.cdn.ea.com/sims/u/f/sims3/mac/SIM3-Update-002432-1.0.631.00002.tgz that domestipithecus found the link for (I have no idea how!)
    Now I'm up to the latest version, but I dont know if my game will find the net patch that comes out.
  • edited July 2009
    For some reason, when I try to add the patch to the game, it tells me that I have the wrong application.
    I did change to default.ini
    It seems that nothing will help me.
    Is there anything else that you can suggest?
    Thanks so much.
  • edited July 2009
    For some reason, when I try to add the patch to the game, it tells me that I have the wrong application.
    I did change to default.ini
    It seems that nothing will help me.
    Is there anything else that you can suggest?
    Thanks so much.
    What version is your game at the moment?
    It can be that you are using the wrong SKU version patch.
    SKU 1 = US
    SKU 2 = EU
    SKU 3 = Azia
  • edited July 2009
    For some reason, when I try to add the patch to the game, it tells me that I have the wrong application.
    I did change to default.ini
    It seems that nothing will help me.
    Is there anything else that you can suggest?
    Thanks so much.

    I'm having the same problem. I'm living in England, so I should need SKU 2, right? Where can I get this from?
  • edited July 2009
    I can't see anything in my game other than what it came with, I have tried and also my husband when he came home. worked on it tell we went to bed.. I spent money in the store, 80 dollors worth, and can't see any of it.. This plum.. I need help!! I dream of downloading all the stuff in the site, but it don't show in my game... please I'm going nuts - I need help to fix this.. thank you Donna aka mrscrzy
  • edited July 2009
    Schnussel wrote:
    What version is your game at the moment?
    It can be that you are using the wrong SKU version patch.
    SKU 1 = US
    SKU 2 = EU
    SKU 3 = Azia

    The version I have is V1.00.002706
  • edited July 2009
    Hey, this seems to be a good place for mac help..
    on my game the music doesn't play in build/buy mode, edit town, and CAS. It used to only work in Riverveiw, so i only played there today. But, near the end of playing, the music quit on me when i went to edit a toddler that just grew. But now, it only plays music from boom boxes in the game. The normal sounds like sims talking and etc. is fine (for now >.> ) I had recently uninstalled then reinstalled the game to get of that issue and a few more, but, the problem is back after 2 days.
    I don't get it, i just want to play my game smoothly but a silent game isn't as fun as one that has music when you build, especially when you are used to building with the music.
    I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.7 (i think its a leopard but i cant remember) the model name is iMac. I can give more info if needed
    please help!
  • edited July 2009
    I tried to change the file 'Default.ini' to 'default.ini' but whenever i try to it always tells me 'You do not have sufficient access priviledges to rename the item 'Default.ini' and I already bought some items. Please HELP :?:
  • edited July 2009
    You'll need to be logged in as admin to change filenames forthe most part.
  • edited August 2009
    I have the same problem and I'm trying to follow the steps schnussel provided. But when I got to the part where your suppose to right click the sims3.app, nothing happens. I'm pretty slow when it comes to computers, can somebody please help? Thanks

Full Manual Uninstall Sims 3 Mac Download


Full Manual Uninstall Sims 3 Mac Download

  • How can I get The Sims 3 to install on a Mac with these specs: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15 inch, Mid 2014) that runs on macOS High Sierra version 10.13.2
  • @CourtnieCullen There are several steps necessary to make TS3 run on that computer. It should be noted that you have a processor/graphics card combination that's incompatible with the game, so there's no guarantee the process will work. But if you want to try, there are several handy guides to help you. Also, if you're already tried to install and it hasn't worked, or you previously played on this computer, it's best to do a clean uninstall before proceeding. The uninstaller that comes with the game misses some files that can interfere with a later install.
    On this computer, you need to install through Origin, as High Sierra won't authenticate discs. It's best to start with only the base game at this point. Then run the Super Patch (digital download version) rather than patching through the launcher.
    At this point, you can try to launch the game. You'll probably get an unknown error message, due to the processor/card combination. The solution to this is to edit your .sgr files. BluebellFlora has written out some very helpful instructions for doing so. Just figure out your mac's model number and then follow the corresponding link. Be sure to make copies of your .sgr files before you start, in case something goes wrong.
    Now, you can try to launch the base game again. If it works, you can start installing packs. There are four packs—Ambitions, Late Night, Fast Lane, and Outdoor Living—that will throw another unknown error and need extra interventions. But these steps are much simpler than the one above. The first thing to do is to create an alias for any pack that does not already have one in your Applications folder, alongside the alias for the base game.
    The second step is only necessary if at least one of the affected packs is NOT the newest pack by release date. (So if you only had, for example, the base game, High End Loft Stuff, and Late Night, you could skip this step.) Certain files don't get copied from the affected packs into their proper destination, which is the folder for the latest pack to be released. If you had all packs, that would be Into the Future. You can copy the files manually by following the instructions in the video embedded in the post below. This thread also discusses all the unknown error issues that affect mac users.
    If all this doesn't work, please post back here listing all of your mac's specs, as well as which troubleshooting steps you've tried and any error messages you've received.
    mac specs: https://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-Mac/READ-FIRST-Sims-3-Mac-Help-Guides-and-Troubleshooting/m-p/4756624#M4
  • When I started up my game, I got a message saying I should consider getting a new video/graphics card. When I continued in the game I just had extremely low resolution. Any ideas on how to fix it?
  • I forgot to mention, I have a 2017 Mac Book Pro with macOS Sierra 10.12.6
  • @superk3ll Graphics issues on newer macs range from the easily ignored to the game breaking. The fact that TS3 launches on your computer is a good sign, but you certainly should be able to play the game on higher settings. If simply adjusting them doesn't do the trick, or you want the best graphics you can get out of your mac, we can certainly help with that.
    It would be useful to know what the error message says, as well as the specs of your computer. There are a couple of different MacBook Pros from last year. Here's how to find all of the relevant information:
  • For any of you wondering and have Sims 3 working on High Sierra, Sims 3 runs fine on Mojave. I have just upgraded and tested it and it runs fine.
    Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'til Morning.
  • Hi just wondering if anyone had any recommendations for what laptop (on a budget) would be the best to run the sims 3, if so what mac would run the game the best ?
  • Hi just wondering if anyone had any recommendations for what laptop (on a budget) would be the best to run the sims 3, if so what mac would run the game the best ?

    NRaas has moved!
    Our new site is at http://nraas.net
  • :/ I'm hoping someone can give me advance strategic advice. I am very grateful for your input.
    I have a new mac desktop:
    Processor Name:Intel Core i5; Processor Speed:3 GHz; Memory: 8GB; Graphics:Radeon Pro 555 AMD - VRAM:2048 MB.
    2 days ago I successfully downloaded and installed but didn't test play as I went. So when I tried to play, of course it said nothing was compatible, it couldn't open, needed updating, the patch which took 9 years to download said it couldn't be applied to that version. So I deleted everything.
    Yesterday I was able to successfully download from Origin - Base game, then re-downloaded and installed patch to 1.67 by deauthorising, and the game opened and played.
    So I started downloading / installing expansion and stuff packs from Origin - in this order: WA, HELS, AMB, LN, GEN, IP. Everything appeared to go smoothly.
    It crashed on launch with 'unknown error'.
    I tried bypassing the launcher and got an initialization error.
    I tried deleting just the IP expansion, but the uninstaller didn't show any options so I had to do it manually and I think I borked it, because when I tried to launch, nothing at all happened.
    So TODAY (21 JAN 19) I have manually deleted everything as per guides, emptied trash, am currently re-downloading base game for the third time, preparing to patch.
    Is there anything else I can do in the installation to help me not have to go through 9 hours of downloading and installing a 4th time, if this doesn't work out?
  • edited January 20
    @rellietay I hope when you manually deleted everything, you followed a guide like this one by Bluebellflora:
    If not, it's best to clean out those hidden library files before installing any packs, or you may well get another pile of unknown errors. But once the base game is installed and patched using the Super Patch, if you can launch the game, you've dodged that issue. (Don't use the launcher to patch; it often does a less than thorough job.). By the way, the Super Patch needs to be run on the base game icon in Applications, not its folder or the icon for another pack. You can download the digital region version here:
    If for some reason the patched base game won't launch, even after a manual uninstall, you can uninstall again, create a new admin user on your Mac, and install into that account. This will remove the hidden library files from play.
    Aside from the incompatible graphics issue that it sounds like you don't have, unknown errors have two other causes. Both are due to certain packs—Ambitions, Late Night, Fast Lane, and Outdoor Living—not installing correctly. The first issue is that these packs likely don't have their own aliases in Applications, alongside those for the base game and your other packs. But you can create them manually:
    The second issue is that files from these four problem packs don't get copied into the folder for your newest pack by the date EA released them; in your case, that would be Island Paradise. So you'll need to copy those files yourself, for both Ambitions and Late Night. The video guide in this post shows you exactly what to do:
    If you do all this, you should be fine. Bluebellflora's guides are the source of almost all of our information about how to install and play TS3 in Mac OS. But if you do happen to have trouble, feel free to ask for more help.
    P.S. The world of Isla Paradiso is so poorly made that it's almost unplayable, even though the other content of the pack is fine. Before playing in that world, you may want to read @ciane's thread on fixing IP. You can follow her instructions to edit the world yourself, or you can download her fixed version and play it forward.
  • EDITED: I have just found a couple of relevant older posts and am working though the guidelines for reinstalling. hopefully resolved, though time consuming.
  • Thankyou Puzzleaddict. I did eventually find my way to Bluebellflora, and have been meticulous but occasionally distracted, so still managing to balls it up. but still I persist, and having success. Up to LN reinstall, everything working so far :D. Even introduced my graphics card to the game, thanks to bluebellflora. I didn't know about IP, but have been playing it for years with various mods to fix the stuck sims etc, I'll head over and read the thread thanks.
  • Hi, I wonder if someone has another idea to help me install the expansion packs from LN onwards? All my installs are from Origin downloads.
    Just to review my system:
    Model Identifier: iMac MacOS Mojave 10.14.2
    Processor Name: Intel Core i5
    Processor Speed: 3 GHz
    Memory 8 GB
    Radeon Pro 555
    Vendor: AMD (0x1002)
    Device ID: 0x67ef
    I have edited the graphics card script successfully, although the game did run with an unrecognised card.
    Following Bluebellflora's and the EA guides to installing, I have been able to install
    Base game
    AMB - I used the workaround by Bluebelleflora with pasting alias into the SIMS 3 folder and it worked, game launched and played.
    Then I installed LN, as expected got the 'unexpected error'. tried Bluebelle again, still got the error, so did as advised and tried the Corey strategy of pasting the folder from transgaming into the latest download (WA). Still got the error. I figured I might be able to salvage later EP's so have gone ahead and installed
    but obviously I haven't been able to test anything.
    I've removed the transgame package from WA and tried it in (respectively) IP, GEN, base game, but still the error; so have deleted LN manually as per instructions, being sure to check all the library cache / cookie / preferences etc as well as all the transgaming folders for the installed packs.
    I'm still getting the unknown error. I have already deleted and reinstalled the whole damed thing twice; yesterday I stuffed up and forgot what I was up to when I had AMB and had downloaded LN, so had to delete back to WA, managed to keep it all working, and then reinstalled HELS & AMB. I was SO careful the second time, so can't think of what to do to correct it.
    I'd be really glad if someone had some alternative to deleting and redownloading and reinstalling yet again. Thanks.
  • edited January 22
    @rellietay - Afraid there isn't much point in addressing your issue to 'someone' who might have other ideas. @puzzlezaddict and Bluebellflora are the pinnacle of TS3 for Mac support (among other geat things). The rest of us, including us Mac users, watch in awe as they help players get through these things. I am certain that puzzlez will be able to resume assisting and help you find the missing part to that process.
    But there is something that I don't think has been mentioned here yet. The experience you are chasing down might be a bit disappointing. TS3 for Mac once you get it going properly is limited to 2 GB of RAM no matter how much is installed, unlike its Windows counterpart that can address almost twice that. There is no way to fix that. When we start talking about all or most EPs being in play, that restriction is very limiting and crashes or Error 12s upon trying to save typically become the order of the day unless you don't intend your ongoing games to progerss very far. This is why so many of us on Macs use Bootcamp to run the Windows version of the game instead. I had all sorts of reasons for Bootcamping mine anyway at one point, though now most of them have melted away and I keep this thing in place strictly for TS3. When I purchase a new iMac later this year, I will end up doing the same thing.
    It might also be worth mentioning that by all accounts, Mojave (OS 10.14) is likely the last Mac OS that TS3 will run on at all given that Apple is dropping all support for 32-bit applications. It wasn't even supposed to be able to run on Mojave, but Apple extended the ultimatum a bit.
    But again, it shouldn't be totally impossible to get the Mac version going on your end. Just very challenging.

    NRaas has moved!
    Our new site is at http://nraas.net
  • edited January 22
    @rellietay I'm not exactly sure where you are in the process—as in, what's currently installed and what isn't—but I can see why you kept getting unknown errors. In addition to creating an alias for each pack that doesn't have one, which it sounds like you handled fine, you needed to copy files (per corey's instructions) from your problem packs into the folder for the newest pack by release date. WA is the oldest pack. So after you had Ambitions running and then installed Late Night, the files for Ambitions needed to go into LN's folder.
    If you don't want to start over yet again, I'd suggest copying the files for Ambitions into the folder for IP and trying to launch. This is assuming you did a clean uninstall of LN; if LN is installed, copy its files into IP's folder as well. Then run the Super Patch again.
    If this doesn't work, the last thing you can try before yet another clean uninstall is to install all of your packs, create aliases where necessary, and make sure that the folder for IP has files from all of your other installed packs. If it doesn't, copy them as corey's video describes.
    I know this is frustrating, but if you can launch the patched base game, you can get your packs installed correctly. But speaking of frustrating, igazor is right—TS3's RAM limit is much more difficult to manage in Mac OS than it is in Windows. With only a few expansion packs, and just one of the most demanding (Pets, Seasons, and ITF are the three ahead of IP), you might well be able to stay under 2 GB memory while you play, at least for a couple of hours at a time. You can monitor the game's RAM use in the Activity Monitor and purge memory to free up a bit here and there, but the only way to reset memory use completely is to quit to desktop and relaunch.
    But many of us, myself included, have ended up Bootcamping our Macs to get around the memory limit. It was igazor's insistance that playing in Windows would be so much better than convinced me to finally do so, and he was absolutely right.
    And for the record, Bluebellflora is the one who's figured most of this out. I just do what she tells me.
    Edit: I should add that 8 GB RAM total is more than enough for the game, but if you're running other apps in the background, your computer might run out of memory. Mojave is a memory hog, and so are certain browsers, Chrome in particular. So it's a good idea to launch the game immediately after you restart your Mac and keep background tasks to a minimum while you play.
  • thank you both, igazor and puzzleaddict. At present I've uninstalled LN, GEN and IP, so am comfortably playing with only WA and AMB. no probs - makes sense given what you say about the memory.
    I did get confused about where to drag the LN package to - can I just clarify (assuming I have another go) - could I copy the package from LN transgaming and paste it say to the desktop, then install GEN and IP, and copy their transgaming packages to the desktop, then drag all the packages into IP folder?
  • edited January 23
    @rellietay What you've described is a bit more work than is necessary. The idea here is that your newest pack (by the date EA released it) runs the game to some extent, so it needs to have access to files from other packs in its own folder. Most of the packs install correctly, and the proper files are moved, or rather, aliases are created that point to the proper files. So, for example, right now you only have WA and Ambitions installed. If you open TS3's package contents and go to ContentsResourcesAddOnsAmbitions[show package contents]ContentsResourcestransgamingc_driveProgram FilesElectronic Arts, you'll see a folder for Ambitions's data and an alias that points to a folder for WA's data. So Ambitions can access WA's content while the game is running.
    If you were to add HELS, a pack that installs correctly, an alias for a folder containing HELS's data would land in the same place as above. HELS is older than Ambitions, so Ambitions would still be running the game. If you installed Late Night, the proper aliases for WA and HELS would land in LN's version of the program files in the path I described above. But there would not be an alias for Ambitions, so you'd need to create it yourself. The instructions say to paste the entire folder; I've never tried making an alias instead (maybe I'll do that the next time I'm testing something). Regardless, the point is that inside LN's package contents, there need to be references to the data for all the other packs.
    If you install a later pack than LN, that pack will run the game, and you'll need to transfer over the files from BOTH Ambitions and LN. If you install IP, that's where the folders go, if you have Generations but not IP, Generations needs to contain those folders. Again, you don't need to do anything for the other packs besides Ambitions and LN; the install process takes care of that. And there's no need to copy the folders onto your desktop, or anywhere else, before you install more packs. You also don't need to make a copy of the folder for your newest installed pack, whatever it happens to be. So if that's LN, you need to copy over the files from Ambitions into LN but don't need to mess with LN itself.
    If you're still having trouble, just remember that whichever your newest pack is, it needs to contain references for every other pack you have installed. If something is missing, follow corey's instructions to go find it and copy it over.
  • Okay I need help. ;u;
    I usually research for hours and till now have been able to figure out all my problems, I'm very familiar with Bluebellflora's site (you're a lifesaver.) I've dealt with everything from 'Bad CC' to 'Blackscreen' issues and the last time I had issues - it was solved by corey_0414's solution (Unknown Error/copying EPs folders into the most recent EP so it can access them).
    Recently I've expanded my EPs (already having WA, High End Loft, Ambitions, LN, Generations, Pets, Supernatural, Seasons, UL)
    and added: Showtime & Island Paradise.
    I've ran through every solution before from checking my folders (corey_0414's solution) I didn't add any new cc, moved my 'The Sims 3' folder to the desktop so it made a fresh folder and just hit 'Play' and when that blackscreened too, I finally came to reason that maybe not installing them in order had finally caught up to me. (I originally started with just Supernatural, bounced to Pets, Seasons, Gen and etc.)
    So I decided to do Bluebellflora's
    #1 'Clean uninstall and reinstall on a Mac': I ran the game after each EP to make sure it wasn't crashing from too much EPS or something and got it to work and began installing store content first and only. After a good 20 or so - I tried picking out one or two items to uninstall and after hitting 'uninstall' my launcher decided to blackscreen and did nothing after 20 mins so i Force Quit it and decided I just wasn't going to be uninstalling anything. However since then, I tried resuming installing and kept getting a black screen. I let it play out and after an hour (I was only doing 4 or 5 dress/decor/hairs at a time) it finally went through and got success on everything. So then closing the pop-up box it proceeds to go blackscreen again and never closed itself. I learned to force quit it and the launcher updated itself, moving them to installed section so tried living with it and finally hitting 'Play' after a while only for the game to blackscreen and never start. I'm familiar with waiting, prior I had a bunch of CC and it did take a minute to load and finally play the intro but this was without CC, just store content and I mean I started with the the free Halloween/Harvest/etc set. This wasn't venues, or worlds.
    I was convinced the broken launcher required a full uninstall/reinstaller including origin.
    2nd 'Clean uninstall and reinstall': Long story short: launcher still broken right out of the gate, it somehow survived even a origin reinstall.
    I just spent another day on my 4th 'Clean uninstall and reinstall'. Tried installing 1 sim3pack and gave up after 20 mins. Hit 'Play and after 45mins I gave up and force quit that too.
    I don't know what's wrong anymore, is it too much EPs? mac specs btw:
    macOS Mojave version 10.14.3
    MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)
    Processor 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB
    (And I have 473 GB of Storage still available)
    I got it to work at first, with all EPs so I don't know why trying to uninstalling ruined my launcher and why uninstall/reinstall did nothing after the first. Maybe I gotta remove all of origin again? I kept getting the 'install origin helper tool' pop up which is why I reinstalled the first time. My mac is old but gold, and never struggled before or had a problem, and knowing Cider has a 2GB RAM limit tempts me into buying a laptop exclusively for sims 3 but I'm hoping someone can still tell some possible solutions before I give up completely. I'm also more seriously considering BootCamp but I need a guide that can ELI5 because while I think I'm tech s̶a̶v̶v̶y̶ tech decent, I'm terrified of ruining my mac because I'm a poor college student. (mac was a graduation gift)
  • Update:
    1) I have Super-clean-uninstalled both TS3 and Origin (including all the hidden Preference/Cache/Cookie/AppSupport/SavedState/etc files).
    2) Mac had an update so I am now at macOS Mojave version 10.14.4
    3) Made sure to download the newest origin for mac.
    4) One more time installing TS3 base, superpatch it and running first. Ran Reset Origin Tool when origin claimed the download was still in progress despite being completed. (I know I don't have to run TS3 through Origin but I like knowing I can too be sure no issues of any kind - related to origin or not - have been eliminated.) After hitting 'Play' it takes about 15 seconds of blackscreen before it plays the intro and all seems good. I lower my graphics setting like visual particles and lighting/shadows just to be on the safe side (I was also looking for the skip intro option in Options panel but maybe that was mod so I move on.)
    5) Quit to save settings and run again (this time without Origin, and again only 15 secs to load.) Then check the launcher to see if it can handle 1 small store content/bought item. I choose the 'Lovely Wall Mirror' cause it was the first thing I saw. I look away when it takes a few seconds for the install dialog to even pop up and when i look back up after only a minute boom - it's already installed. Sweet heavens I think I think I finally fixed my launcher.
    Broken Launcher SOLUTION: (so far) Uninstall Origin completely (if you google it, it's called the 'hard way') and only if uninstalling TS3 didn't help. I guess Origin was still somehow holding data on it or it might be related to EPs speaking of.
    I am going to restall and run my game after every EP up until UL. I would stop earlier but it just happens that Supernatural and UL are my favorites and I think IP is another heavy EP so I'll wait a while before I get brave enough to try adding it again. Even with my launcher fixed I'm going to turn all my s3pack into packages using Delphy's except for things like House/Worlds/Sims where I don't think it works as well? and point being is that I'm not convinced yet it was Origin causing issues so I will keep checking to see if a certain EP or too many end up 'breaking' my game before I call an official solution.
  • @SamuraiLady
    Origin is only needed to download Sims 3 and the packs. Once downloaded the installer is external from Origin and the game doesn't need it to run. You could even uninstall Origin once you've finished downloading everything and the game will still run
    You just need to make sure that you add the relevant folders into the last installed pack (last by release date) as per Corey's instructions. So for you I think that's Island Paradise.
  • Ye I'm aware I don't need Origin I want to delete it, however I do have TS4 and I've actually never tried running it without Origin? So idk if it's possible but even then it's still being updated so I'd probably keep it around anyways till TS4 stops getting updates.
    Anyways, yeah that is what I did - I made sure IP had all the folders and it wasn't working. That what didn't make sense to me, the solutions so far have revolved around that and bad cc so when the folders aren't the issues and I haven't even installed CC or store content, what else could it be? That's why I uninstall and restall so many times because I couldn't find or think of any other solutions till uninstalling/reinstalling Origin itself.
  • Update 2: I installed LN and Gen at the same time with Origin, probably a mistake because hitting 'Play' I get a blackscreen, great so LN or Gen is a problem. I manually uninstall them both (since my uninstaller doesn't show anything under where it tell me to select EP/SP) per Bluebellflora's guide 'Manually uninstalling an Expansion or Stuff Pack in the Sims 3 for Mac'.
    I'm realizing I didn't run the superpatch again after installing LN and it may be the culprit and Gen has nothing to do with it but before I do anything, I run Ambitions to make sure LN and Gen uninstalled - and in the launcher only shows Ambitions. I double check the folder and it has High End Loft and World Adventures in it so why is it not showing? I;m trying to make dinner so I'll be taking a break and coming back to this and hope maybe I realize it or someone might see this and post.
  • @SamuraiLady
    You definitely need Origin for Sims 4 to run. I was explaining about Origin not being needed for Sims 3 because you referenced it in your posts. It has no effect on getting Sims 3 to run as the files are completely separate, unlike Sims 4 which requires Origin for authentication. The only issue Origin might cause is a corrupted download.
    Unfortunately Sims 3 is not supported in Mojave, it hasn't been officially supported since OS X Mountain Lion and this is an issue for some players. There is no expectation that the game should run on unsupported Macs as it hasn't been updated since January 2014 (which was a cursory update anyway).
    If I were you I would:
    1. Completely and cleanly uninstall Sims 3 including any shortcuts to the game
    2. Run the Origin reset tool - https://help.ea.com/en-gb/help/origin/origin/how-to-reset-origin-on-mac/ to get rid of any downloaded .dmg files from previous downloads if present
    3. Empty trash and restart your Mac
    4. Start up Origin and download and install the base game
    5. Patch the base game by running the 1.67 manual patch, not through the launcher
    6. Start up the game and check it is working. If so carry on with the next steps
    7. Download each pack and install it in release date order. Once installed open the Launcher and download any further patches it prompts for. When you install the problematic packs - Ambitions, Late Night, Fast Lane, Outdoor Living - make sure to add them to the Launcher. When you then install subsequent packs you must follow Corey's instructions to add those packs to the pack that the game launches. It is tempting to skip this step, to install all packs then copy the folders into the launching pack, but I advise against this because you want to launch the game after installing each pack to make sure it is working. In order to launch it successfully you must copy the folders over for Ambitions, Late Night, Fast Lane and Outdoor Living
  • Ok, one more time we clean uninstall and reinstall everything (including Origin just cause).
    Reset Origin, download Base game, run it's update, and the SuperPatch update then rn the game and .. oh great it's stuck on blackscreen.
    Ok one last time for real - I prob should've done the Superpatch first, (I only ran it first to see if Origin was gonna give me a 'still downloading error'). That or I'm in denial but we'll get to that later.
    I'll be exact about this too and step-by-step:
    1. Clean uninstall TS3
    2. Origin Reset Tool
    3. Empty and Restart - well better save this somewhere before I do
    4. Download and install Base
    5. Close Origin and Superpatch first
    6. Run TS3 and hit 'Play' and several minutes of blackscreen and force quit. Okay maybe I was suppose to open it in Origin? annnnnd I get a 'install the new helper tool'. What. You were just open before the Superpatch. Annnnnd now Origin isn't doing anything. Okay Reset Origin again. And it's the helper loop again except now after telling it to install it's frozen. Several minutes later it open and immediately trying to updates TS4 it doesn't let me pause or cancel until 10 minutes lates it finally unfreezes and tells me it's been paused. Finally run TS3 for my last feeble hope it might work.
    'Error: Game process could not be started.'
    But oh wait it's still trying to and black screen for several minutes before I force quit that nonsense. I don't even know what this error is. (Note it is not the 'Cannot start the process when the game is running. Please quit the game and try again” error I double read to make sure. I try running TS3 alone just make sure, it gives no Error but still is getting stuck on a blackscreen. -heavy sigh-
    - This is where I give up. I can't see how uninstall TS3 made Origin flip out and give me this weird run around when I did nothing different and I can't even get the base game to run now. I don't understand this randomness and I hate it. I regret not buying all the physical EPs now although there's no guarantee that would make a difference either.
    I'd rather waste my time trying an alternative like setting up BootCamp and seeing if the windows process is any better but I can't find a trusted source. Is this and outdated alternative? (note: I even checked your site Bluebellflora but it's link doesn't not exist anymore.
    Any help and hope is appreciate at this point. Thanks.
  • Anomalies:
    A) While removing TS3 completely to delete it from my mac and redo Origin after it's little freak out, I found something inexplicable - a file in preferences 'com.transgaming.tginstall-sims3-bg-ep08.plist' created 'Today, 12:59 PM' right around this morning when I was trying one more time to clean uninstall/reinstall but I never got past the base game and didn't allow Origin to download any EPs (although it did try to while I was disable the updates). I already had deleted some files so I couldn't test removing this one file to see if it was mucking my Sims game but did try one last uninstall and reinstall or both origin and TS3.
    B) And after running the launcher I noticed - it already had me logging in to the TS3 store (or whatever we log into in that launcher). I ran the game, it didn't work but now I feel there had to be some folder left behind something that saved my login into the launcher data and maybe having more data possibly connected to whatever is messing up my game but I don't know where this file would be. I've been very attentive to removing all the files and after the first anomaly, I've watching the files in my library to see if anything out-of-place would spawn like that 'ep08' file. So I don't think I left anything behind in the Preference, Caches, Cookies, or Saved Application State. and I had removed Origin completely to so it wouldn't have been hidden and left over from previous download.
    I'm still as a loss as before again on the off chance this information leads to some revelation I'm all for posting it. I might try playing TS4 or using Sims base game CD for a while before retrying TS3 or looking into BootCamp.