Gow Mac 580 Gc Manual
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Model Series 580 - Gas Chromatograph
Manufacturer of gas chromatographs, GC detectors, trace, binary, and toxic gas analyzers, moisture, aromatic and total hydrocarbon analyzers, gas leak detectors Gow-Mac. Operation of the GOWMAC Series 350 Gas Chromatograph 1. Turn on the chart recorder. Turn the 'DET POWER' switch to the on position, and turn the 'CURRENT' knob fully clockwise. The remainder of the setup will have been done by the lab staff. Turn the 'ATTENUATOR' knob on the gc to '4', and use the 'ZERO' knob on the chart.
Th e GOW-MAC Series 580 Isothermal Gas Chromatograph sets the standard for reliable performance in a wide range of applications. Gotoassist app download. So impressive has the performance of this GC been, that many 580 users refer to it as “Th e Workhorse” instrument of their laboratory.
From Instruments - Gas Chromatographs
Gow Mac 580 Gc Manual 2017
The Series 580 Gas Chromatograph sets the standard for reliable performance in a wide range of applications. So impressive has the performance of this GC been, that many 580 users refer to it as 'The Workhorse' instrument of their laboratory. The Series 580 GC can be customized to fit the exact requirements your application requires, utilizing either a TCD, FID, DID or PID detector.
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Gow Mac 580 Gc Manual Instructions
- Isothermal Operation
- Detectors: TCD, FID, DID, or PID
- Direct On-Column Injection or Gas Sample Valve: packed, capillary — split/splitless
- Single or Dual Column
- Accommodates 1/8” or 1/4” o.d. metal, 6 mm glass, or capillary columns
- Column temperature range: ambient to 400 °C
- Column oven temperature protection circuit
- Readout: 3-1/2 digit LED digital display
- Independent Temperature Controls for Column Oven, Detector, Injection Ports
- On-line monitoring and valve manipulation by software or linking workstation
- Microscale Compatible: heated, threaded exit ports, (optional — TCD only)
- Signal Amplifier, x10 (TCD — optional)
- Choice of standard or corrosion resistant system
- Installation: bench or 19” rack mount
- Power: 110-220 V, 50-60 Hz