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(Terminal Learning Objective)
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(Terminal Learning Objective – Cont.)
Characteristics of Unit Maintenance
Foundation of the Army Maintenance System
Based on -10 and -20 Technical Manuals (TMs)
Performed by Operator/Crew, Supervisors and Unit Maintenance Personnel
The Army has one maintenance standard, which is outlined in AR 750-1, Army Materiel Maintenance Policies.
Maintenance Standards and Concepts (cont.)
Standard based on the TM (Technical Manual) -10 -20 level PMCS (Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services).
Equipment FMC (Fully Mission Capable).
All faults identified, corrective actions taken, parts ordered or equipment is job-ordered to DS maintenance.
Services performed on time.
All urgent and limited urgent MWO (Modification Work Orders) are applied.
All BII (Basic Issue Items) and COEI (Components of End Items) are present and serviceable or on order.
PMCS ensures early detection of faults and maintenance requirements.
MAC (Maintenance Allocation Charts) are in the -20 series maintenance manuals and specify what tasks are performed at what level of maintenance
Maintenance Standards and Concepts (cont.)
Fix Forward is the current Army maintenance concept.
Fix as far forward on the battlefield as possible, either thru detailed repair or component replacement.
Return equipment as quickly as possible to the fight.
METT-TC (mission, enemy, troops, terrain, time and civilians) dependant.
The Army Maintenance System, less aircraft, consists of 4 levels.
Direct Support (DS)
General Support (GS)
Operator and Unit (10/20 Levels)
Initial and most critical level.
Performed by the operator or organizational mechanic.
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS)
Replace unserviceable parts as authorized by the Maintenance Allocation Charts (MAC)
NOTE: The MAC Chart is found in Appendix B of the 20 level TM. It provides what tasks are authorized to be performed at each level of maintenance for a given piece of equipment.
Requisition, receipt, storage and issue of repair parts.
Army Materiel Status System reporting.
Lubricating, cleaning, preserving, tightening, replacing and performing adjustments authorized by the MAC.
Diagnosis and fault isolation as authorized by the MAC.
Verification of faults and when necessary evacuation to the supporting DS maintenance unit.
Direct Support (DS) (30 Level)
Provides Direct Support maintenance support IAW the MAC for supported units.
Inspections to verify item’s serviceability and determine economic reparability.
NOTE: DS Maintenance is the first place in which it is determined whether damage to equipment is the result of “Fair Wear and Tear” (FWT). If damage is determined to be thru other than FWT, an Estimated Cost of Damage (ECOD) will be provided to the owning unit. The owning unit then makes a determination of whether or not negligence or willful misconduct is involved, and takes appropriate action IAW AR 735-5 before DS maintenance can proceed.
Repair and return to user IAW MAC.
Repair and return to supply activity Unserviceable RX components.
Diagnosis and isolation of Materiel or module malfunctions.
Perform light body repair (straightening, welding, sanding and painting of skirts, fenders and hull sections)
Direct Support (DS) (30 Level)
Evacuation of reparable end items to designated repair facilities when repair is beyond capabilities IAW MAC.
Provide backup DS maintenance support to other DS units.
Limited fabrication as identified in the appropriate Technical Manual (TM).
Normally located at Echelons Above Corps (EAC).
Characterized by using job shop or production line operations to perform commodity oriented repair of components or end items.
Repaired items are returned to the theater supply system.
Depot Level Support
Complete system overhaul.
Performed by industrial-type activities operated by the Army.
May be performed by contract and interdepartmental or interagency agreement.
Policy and Guidance can be found in AR 750-2.
Consists of 3 Levels
Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM)
Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM)
AVUM Maintenance
Performs high frequency “on aircraft” maintenance tasks required to retain or return aircraft to Fully Mission Capable (FMC) condition.
MAC Chart lists the maintenance capabilities of the AVUM.
If aviation element is less than 10 aircraft, maintenance is usually only inspections, minor adjustments and minor repair.
Provides mobile, responsive, one-stop maintenance support.
Performs all maintenance functions as designated by the MAC.
Replace and repair modules and components.
Repair of the end item.
Inspects, troubleshoots, tests, diagnoses, repairs, adjusts, calibrates, and aligns aircraft system modules and components.
Depot Maintenance (Aviation)
Depot level programmed maintenance includes overhaul, crash repair, battle damage repair, and modifications.
Unprogrammed maintenance is repair and return to user maintenance.
Replaces the 4 level system in Objective Force.
Field Maintenance-combination of the current unit/org levels with some DS level tasks.
Consists of “on-system” tasks performed by operator/crew and mechanics.
Repairs made through component/module /assembly replacement.
Repair and return equipment to unit.
Two Level Maintenance System
Sustainment Maintenance-Combines Depot, GS and the remaining DS tasks.
Consists of “off-system” component /module/assembly repair and commodity oriented repair of components and end items.
Primarily supports the supply system.
Company/Battery/Troop Commander
Emphasizes maintenance and ensures subordinates are held responsible for conducting maintenance operations.
Battalion Maintenance Officer (BMO)
Overall supervision of all maintenance operations and programs in the battalion.
Key Maintenance Personnel
Battalion Maintenance Technician (BMT)
Technical expert for the Unit Level Logistic System (ULLS).
Organizes the maintenance teams and monitors maintenance programs.
Battalion/Company Motor Sergeant (BMS)
Supervises maintenance, services and AOAP program.
Perform the maintenance.
Diagnose problems using the proper tools and test equipment.
Equipment Records/ULLS Clerk
Implements ULLS procedures correctly.
Maintains current copies of maintenance management and unit supply regulations.
Maintains current Prescribed Load List (PLL).
Key Maintenance Personnel
Operate equipment and conduct PMCS correctly IAW proper TM-10.
Correctly identify faults.
The Maintenance Leaders Course 8C-F21/020 is available for all NCOs, Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers.
ATRSS Course Catalog
Phase 1 Coursework
Tool Room
Maintenance cannot be accomplished without proper tools.
Tools are accounted for, controlled and maintained IAW DA PAM 710-2-1.
A primary tool room attendant is appointed on orders by the commander and signs for all tools, sets, kits, outfits and Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) stored in the tool room.
Tools must be inventoried regularly IAW Chapter 9 of DA PAM 710-2.
The entire chain of command must be safety conscious and ensure that safety guidelines are followed at all times.
A safety officer, NCO, and a unit Fire Marshall appointed on orders by the commander.
A unit must have a safety SOP.
NOTE: The Army Safety Center can be found online at
Preventive Maintenance Program
Designed to:
Detect potential failures early
Lower cost by reducing catastrophic failures
Conserve resources by changing oil only when needed
Cyclic in nature.
Test Measurement Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE)
Any system or device capable of being used to evaluate the operational condition of equipment.
Torque wrenches, hydraulic pressure gauges, simplified test equipment (STE), multimeters, fuel dispensing meters, etc.
Must be calibrated regularly.
Test Measurement Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) (cont.)
Covered in TB 43-180, available online as an Electronic Technical Manual (ETM) at the LOGSA website
Commanders appoint a TMDE calibration monitor.
Commanders appoint a publications officer and NCO on orders.
Recommended list of publications to have on hand found in FM 4-30.3 and DA PAM 750-1.
Preventive Maintenance (PS) monthly magazine has a list of all new and/or changes to publications in each edition.
Maintenance Publications
All maintenance and equipment related regulations, circulars, SOPs, supplements, technical bulletins, technical manuals, supply manuals, lubrication orders and blank forms must be on hand or on order at all times. Official Department of the Army Publications and Forms (ARs, DA PAMs and links to the sites below) LOGSA site (TMs, TBs & SCs ) General Reimer’s Training and Doctrine Digital Library (FMs, MTPs, STPs, TCs & TMs)
Recovery & Battlefield Damage Assessment and Repair (BDAR)
BDAR-Any action taken to return disabled equipment rapidly to the operational commander during combat-“Jury Rigging”.
BDAR procedures apply at all levels depending on extent of damage, time available, skills required, parts, components, tools and materials available.
Crew/Operator BDAR kits should be carried on board each vehicle. These kits can be ordered through the supply system.
The objective is to get a system safely and quickly back into operation.
Repair only what is needed-no cosmetic repairs.
Senior man present decides when and if to perform BDAR. Decisions are based on available resources, available time, and tactical situation.
Purpose of the Unit Level Logistics System (ULLS)
Through automation, provides supervisory control and flexibility.
Expedites repair parts supply and maintenance functions to the lowest level.
Reduces errors that could occur in a manual operation.
Enhances unit’s readiness by accurately collecting supply and maintenance data for non-mission capable equipment.
Automate Class IX (repair parts) supply procedures:
Automated or replaced the processes and records required to manage the unit repair parts program and PLL.
Automate the Army Maintenance Management System:
Automated or replaced most of the unit operational, maintenance and equipment historical records.
Objectives of ULLS (cont.)
The Materiel Readiness Reporting procedures:
Automated and replaced the manual materiel readiness reports for ground, missile and aviation equipment.
ULLS is standard computer software for automating unit maintenance operations.
ULLS hardware differs from unit to unit-the basic principles are the same.
Minimum hardware requirements are outlined in ULLS End Users Manual.
Software Change Packages (SCP) and Interim Change Packages (ICP) are fielded periodically-must be installed within 30 days.
Purpose of Data Interface in ULLS
ULLS interfaces directly with SAMS-1 and SARSS-1 daily by floppy diskette or telecommunications.
ULLS supply request data is sent to SARSS-1.
Request for supply actions (new requests, cancellations, turn-ins or modifications).
Request for follow up actions (for validation or status).
ULLS maintenance data is sent to SAMS-1.
Unit daily non-mission capable (NMC) equipment data.
Supply and maintenance data transmitted to SAMS-1 for consolidation and transmission to SAMS-2.
Equipment work order data transmitted when support maintenance is requested.
Purpose of Data Interface in ULLS
SARSS-1 sends supply status info back to ULLS.
Automatically updates the supply and maintenance data files within ULLS.
If invalid status is received, ULLS processes the supply status and produces an Exception Status Report. This provides the unit with the data needed to take corrective action.
SAMS-1 sends work order status information back to ULLS. Updated work order status information is posted to the Maintenance Request Register.
Maintenance Request Register keeps the unit updated on the current status of equipment at DS.
The maintenance Request Register uses the work order status to track DS maintenance down time between supply and maintenance.
System Utilities Processes for ULLS
Provide process to add or update the Department of the Defense Activity Address Code (DODAAC) Parameter File and perform system maintenance.
Current versions of ULLS will manage up to 26 units.
DODAAC parameter file is the primary file in ULLS-establishes how the system operates.
The DODAAC Parameter file contains:
Unit identification information and support unit information.
Demand interface and hardware parameter information.
System maintenance processes must be performed daily.
Unit data files archived daily, ULLS program files archived whenever SCP or ICP has been installed.
ULLS System Security Process
Controls access-each user has a separate user ID and password.
Establishes unique controls of the Commander’s Password.
Allows the Cdr to log on, access unit files, change DODAAC parameter files data, dispatch non-mission capable equipment, and add/update demand supported lines.
ULLS has replaced the manual forms and records required to manage the unit repair parts program and PLL.
Automatically manages the Document Control Register (DCR) and updates all supply and maintenance data files within the system when Class IX supply actions are processed.
Automated Class IX Supply Procedures (cont.)
Maintains the demand history files of all Class IX repair parts requisitioned through the system for the past twelve months.
Used to make requests for issue, turn-in, cancellation, follow-up or modification.
Generates electronic transactions files for SARSS-1.
Post-Post Request for Issue.
Commander’s Exception Report
Financial Transaction Listing.
Send Transactions to SOS (Source of Supply).
Post-Post Request for Issue
Used to manually post documents to the system for parts acquired outside the normal supply system.
Captures demand history for these transactions.
List of all High Priority Class IX requests (UND A or B) and any individual request with an extended value of $500 or greater (without regard to priority).
Must be reviewed, initialed and signed by the Commander (approving the transactions) before “Sending Transactions to the SOS”.
Must be maintained on file for two years.
Financial Transactions Listing
Produced with the Commander’s Exception Report.
Records all transactions since the last time the report was run.
Includes total document number cost and the transaction period total cost.
Automated process used to send the electronic file created using the Request Process.
Produces a floppy diskette or a telecommunications data transfer.
Receipt/Status and DCR Management Processes
Receipt Process.
Status Process.
DCR Inquiry Processes.
Standard Army Validation and Reconciliation Programs (SAVAR).
Print/Purge Inactive DCR.
PLL/DCR Reconciliation.
Used to post the receipt of Class IX by document number when received from the SOS.
Automatically updates all supply and maintenance data files within the system.
Must be controlled to maintain accountability of repair parts.
Status Process
Used to post the most current supply status to the DCR and the subsequent supply and maintenance data files.
Posted to the system using the Manual or Automated process.
Manual Status Process-Used to post status to individual documents.
Automated Status Process-Used to receive and update status from SARSS-1 when received during the daily interface. Will produce the Exception Status Report when invalid status is received.
Are used to make inquires from the DCR.
Provides seven options to display or print records in the DCR.
Provides a number of management tools that are used daily in the unit maintenance operation.
Standard Army Validation and Reconciliation Program (SAVAR)
Manual procedure used to validate the due-in and due-out records within the supply system.
Units are required to validate the DCR with SARSS between the 7th and 22nd of each calendar month.
Units will conduct a face-to-face, item-by- item validation/reconciliation once each quarter with the Supply Support Activity.
Used to purge inactive closed records from the DCR.
Must be completed monthly.
Must be maintained on file for two years.
PLL/DCR Reconciliation
Automated process that reconciles the PLL due-in and due-out quantities with the DCR.
Produces a PLL/DCR Reconciliation Report which lists items with a DCR record but no corresponding PLL record.
Process generates replenishment requests for PLL stockage shortages and reconciles the catalog with the PLL to ensure that all PLL records have a corresponding catalog record.
PLL is a quantity of parts that a unit keeps stocked for immediate repairs.
PLL is designed to carry a 15 day supply of essential repair parts as determined by DA and the unit’s demand history.
PLL Management Process (cont.)
PLL stockage criteria is set by AR 710-2 and MACOM Policy. The current policy is:
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The essentiality code is “C” (the part is required for the equipment to operate) and the maintenance code is “0” (the part is authorized to be removed/replaced at organizational level).
Limited to 150 lines.
Six demands in 180 days add an item, 3 demands in 180 days retains an item.
Commander can approve stockage of non-demand supported PLL lines, but it is limited to 10% of the authorized stockage lines.
Includes the following processes:
Excess Management Process.
PLL Inquiry Processes.
PLL Inventory Process.
PLL Daily Management Report.
PLL Demand Analysis.
Catalog Management Process.
Excess Management Process
Produces the Excess Management Report (identifies excess repair parts).
Excess means “Quantity Due-In + On Hand > Due-Out + Authorized”.
Includes PLL and Non-stocked (NS) items.
Excess violates Army Policy. Command involvement is essential.
Provides option to display or print records from the PLL.
Authorized stockage levels.
Current on hand quantities.
Storage locations.
PLL Inventory Process
Produces PLL Inventory Report, designed to assist in conducting inventory.
Inventories are conducted IAW AR 710-2: Quarterly for Active Army/Semi- Annually for NG and Reserve.
Inventories must be maintained on file until next inventory is completed.
Produces a screen display and, if requested, a hard copy report.
Total PLL status depicting total number or PLL authorized and MPL lines, number that is 100% filled, partially filled and at zero balance, along with the percentage of MPL and total PLL that is zero balance.
Zero balance lines are listed.
PLL Demand Analysis
Automated process that performs the PLL review required by AR 710-2. Reviews the demand history files and calculates the stockage levels based on the parameters set in the Unit Parameter File.
Must be conduced quarterly for Active Army/semi-annually for NG and Reserve.
ULLS End User Manual recommends conducting monthly.
Recommends additions.
Recommends deletions.
Automatically adjusts quantities for increase.
Automatically adjusts quantities for decrease.
Commander must review the Demand Analysis Report and approve or disapprove recommendations or changes made by the system.
Catalog Management Processes
Provides the unit with automated processes to update the Catalog File built into the system.
Catalog Load/Update By CD ROM process provides for the use of the Fed Log Disc to update the catalog file.
Process will automatically search the Fed Log Disc (when inserted) and update the ULLS Catalog File with updated supply data.
DA PAM 738-750 describes the forms and records required.
Three types of records for unit maintenance.
Operational Records.
Provide info necessary to control equipment.
Maintenance Records.
Control maintenance schedules and services, inspections and repair workloads. Used to report, ask for and record repair work.
Historical Records.
Permanent forms on the receipt, operation, maintenance, modification, transfer and disposal of individual items of equipment.
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) (cont.)
ULLS collects maintenance data and provides management information at the unit level.
ULLS has automated or replaced manual forms and records with the following exceptions:
DA Form 2408-9, Equipment Control Record.
DA Form 2408-4, Weapon Record Data.
ULLS has incorporated and automated Operator Qualification Records at the unit.
Equipment Dispatch and Return.
Equipment Maintenance and Inspection Worksheet.
Maintenance Faults.
Parts Installed.
Services Performed.
Equipment Dispatch and Return
Equipment Dispatch with / without 5988-E: allows for regular dispatch of equipment.
Return Equipment from Dispatch.
Print Equipment Control Log.
Will print control log for a DODAAC.
Contains all open and closed dispatches since the last Dispatch Control Log Purge.
Print a worksheet (5988-E) for each piece of equipment that has a serial number.
Can be printed for a DODAAC, Admin Number, or Federal Supply Code (FSC).
Used to correct faults found during an inspection, including PMCS, maintenance activity inspections, diagnostic checks and spot checks.
Also lists repair parts on order to fix the faults listed in the uncorrected faults section.
Maintenance Faults
Provides the user the capability to add, correct, update and view maintenance faults.
Faults will be written to the Maintenance Faults File and will appear on the Equipment Maintenance and Inspection Worksheet.
If it is a NMC fault it will also be written to the Deadline Data File. This begins the tracking of NMC time in AMSS.
A fault must be posted before a part may be ordered.
Allows the user to record parts installation on equipment.
The parts request must be entered on the DCR and recorded as received.
Services Performed
Allows user to enter data on services and tests performed on equipment.
Entries will update the Service Due File, the Equipment Data File (EDF) and the Component Data File.
Once a service has been performed the system will automatically schedule the next service due.
Allows the user to add, delete, transfer or update equipment and admin number data.
The EDF is the master file of unit equipment. The following will be loaded with separate admin numbers.
Reportable systems, subsystems and end items.
Non-reportable items that are sub-systems of prime/weapon systems.
Self-powered vehicles, towed vehicles, and stationary equipment requiring dispatch or usage tracking or control.
Local commanders may require weapons and non serial numbered items to be maintained in ULLS.
Equipment Data Update Processes (cont.)
Equipment Add Processes.
Equipment Data File Update Processes.
Component File Update.
Equipment Service Update.
Provides the user with the capability to add equipment to the EDF as a prime system, separate end item or miscellaneous item.
Subsystem management process provides the user with the capability to configure, de-configure and re-configure prime systems and subsystems.
Equipment Data File Update Process
Mac Mechanic Reviews
Provides the user with the capability to update equipment and Admin number data.
Allows the user to enter/change data for scheduled services and/or special services for specific Admin numbered equipment.
Updates the Services Due File.
Equipment Data Reports Processes
Produces standardized reports used to review maintenance record.
Oil Analysis Request.
Equipment Availability Report.
Parts Received Not Installed.
Equipment Fuel Usage Reports
Service Schedule Report.
NMC Report.
Equipment Data File Reports.
Routine Oil Analysis Request by Admin number or DODAAC.
Special Oil Analysis Requests are produced by component.
Parts Received Not Installed
Printout by Admin number or DODAAC listing parts received from supply but not installed on intended equipment.
Provides printed service schedule by Admin number, DODAAC, Date Range or NSN.
Equipment Data File Reports
Enables user to obtain printouts of items of equipment listed in the EDF and the Component Data File.
Adds and manages operator qualification records. Has an option to produce the Operator Qualification ID Card.
System will utilize the data entries for the ID card when dispatching a vehicle, and it automatically updates the operator’s mileage records.
Can obtain a list for a DODAAC of all qualified operators.
Maintenance Support Processes
Provide the unit options to interface with Direct Support Maintenance and SAMS.
Send SAMS Transaction Process.
Maintenance Request Process.
Maintenance Status Update Process.
Maintenance Request Register.
MMDF Load/Update Process.
Transfers SAMS transactions via diskette or telecommunications to the SAMS Direct Support Unit (DSU).
Includes information on all non-mission capable equipment, reportable equipment and maintenance significant equipment.
Maintenance Request Process
Prints two copies of a maintenance request (one for the DS maintenance facility and one as the hand receipt copy).
Prints the register.
Shows chronological status of all organizational NMC equipment work orders.
Shows current status and support work order number for all equipment at DS.
Tracks non-mission capable time for the Army Materiel Status System (AMSS), uses the work order status to track DS maintenance down time between supply and maintenance.
Maintenance Master Data File (MMDF) Load/Upload Process
Uploads MMDF diskettes onto the system.
Identifies reportable equipment by model/series/system, subsystem and weapon system.
MMDF is managed and distributed by LOGSA.
Is updated every 6 months.
Replaces and supercedes Appendix B or AR 700-138.
MMDF for ULLS is received from the SAMS-1 site.
When the process is complete:
ULLS produces an error listing of discrepancies.
The Equipment Correction List will provide a list of equipment catalog deficiencies by NSN and a listing of equipment systems by Admin number that are not IAW AR 700-138 for reporting purposes.
Materiel Readiness Reporting
Reports through the chain of command to national level.
Provides the chain of command, the materiel developer, the Army Staff and the Joint Chiefs of Staff with an assessment of readiness.
Inaccurate reporting is unacceptable.
Readiness reports are management tools.
The Materiel Status Reporting System and Unit Status Report (USR) are the most useful tools to assess readiness.
ULLS and AMSS have automated and replaced the manual system for ground, missile and aviation equipment.
Materiel Status Processes
Display/Print AMSS Reports.
Send AMSS Transactions to Higher Level.
Receive AMSS Transactions from Lower Level.
Update AMSS Authorizations.
End of Report Period Processing.
DA Form 2715 Feeder Reports.
Rollup by UIC.
Consolidates by UIC all reportable systems/subsystems or End Items with NMC time during reporting period.
Rollup by EIC.
Consolidates by UIC or EIC all reportable systems/subsystems or end items with NMC time during reporting period.
Mac The Mechanic's Maintenance Manual Quest
Class IX Failure Data by Admin Number.
Class IX parts affecting NMCM and NMCS status for each prime item, subsystem or end item will be annotated.
Display/Print AMSS Reports (cont.)
NMC Report.
Total NMC time accumulated for reportable prime items, subsystems and end items.
Organized by Admin number and divided into separate NMC time categories.
System Status Summary.
Total NMC time accumulated for all reportable systems and end items consolidated by EIC.
Equipment Exception Report.
Items that did not meet the DA FMC readiness goal.
Projection Report.
Utilized prior to the end of the report period to project FMC rates by system and end item for a given UIC.
Rollup by System/Subsystem Admin number.
Rollup of NMC time accumulated by Admin number.
Send AMSS Transactions to a Higher Level
Transfers materiel status info to higher levels of command to consolidate data.
Updates and sets unit authorization requirements for readiness reporting.
Verifies unit MTOE authorizations.
Validates authorizations with the EDF in ULLS.
DA Form 2715 Feeder Reports
Provides the capability to collect, organize and present DA Form 2715 Feeder data at any time during the reporting period.
Reports can be used to provide the data to manually prepare the USR.
Required by AR 750-1 Ch 2.
May be an annex of the unit’s SOP, an annex to the logistics SOP or a stand alone document.
Formally describes the way a unit performs maintenance on assigned equipment.
A separate ULLS Annex or SOP is recommended.
Maintenance SOP (cont.)
Should address at a minimum:
Maintenance related duties and responsibilities for key personnel.
How the maintenance platoon/section is organized.
Procedures during PMCS and services.
Procedures used to dispatch equipment and obtain a license.
Tool accountability and control procedures.
Unit driver/mechanic award program.
Safety guidance associated with equipment maintenance.
Quality control procedures for maintenance/ dispatching equipment.
Program for operator/crew and mechanic sustainment training.
Proper handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals and environmental issues.
Motor pool security.
Calibration of tools and TMDE.
Mac Mechanic Block
Readiness Reporting.
Mac System Maintenance
Safety SOP.
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Summary & Questions.
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