Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manual

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Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manual 4,2/5 35 votes
CategoriesChainsaw Manuals, McCulloch Chainsaw Manuals, Promac Chainsaw Manuals
TagsMcCulloch 10, McCulloch 10S, Mcculloch Chain Saws, Promac 10, Promac 10S
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Product BrandMcCulloch. Support Phone for US: Wheeled (Mowers, Tractors, Tillers, Snow Throwers) - 1-800-849-1297
McCulloch Handheld (Chainsaws, Trimmers, Blowers, Edgers) - 1-800-554-6723 All McCulloch Products - 1-800-521-8559, Chainsaw
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  1. Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manual Review
  2. Mcculloch 130 Chainsaw Parts
  3. Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manual 2017
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Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manual Review

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The McCulloch Power Mac 310 chain saw is a somewhat vintage model. It was new about the same time the first personal computers came on the market, in the mid 1980s. Like most chain saws, it has three carburetor adjustment screws, and chances are good that they need adjusting. It's a fairly simple matter to set the idle and low-speed screws, but setting the high-speed screw is challenging and shouldn't be attempted without a tachometer. Without one, it's simple to set the fuel mixture too lean and burn out the motor.


Remove the air box cover from the left side of the McCulloch Power Mac 310 chain saw by using a Phillips screwdriver to remove its single screw. The chain saw's left side is the side that is on your left when you operate the chain saw. Remove the air filter, and clean it with compressed air. If you can't clean it, then replace it.


Drain fuel from the chain saw's fuel tank, and replace it with fresh, high-octane gasoline mixed with two-cycle engine oil at a ratio of 40 parts gasoline to 1 part oil. Fill the fuel tank completely with the mixture. Otherwise, the engine might run too rich the next time you fill the tank.


Start the chain saw's engine, and let it warm up for about five minutes. If the carburetor is so far out of adjustment that the engine won't start, turn both the high-speed screw -- H -- and low-speed screw -- L -- clockwise as far as they will go, using a flat-head screwdriver, then turn them counterclockwise by 1 1/2 turns.


Turn the idle screw -- I -- clockwise until the chain starts to spin, then turn it counterclockwise slightly. Adjust the screw to find the highest setting possible without making the chain spin. Check the setting by holding a digital tachometer over the spark plug. It should read between 2,700 and 2,900 rpm.


Turn the low-speed screw clockwise until the engine begins to race, and make a note of that position of the screw. Turn the low-speed screw counterclockwise until the engine begins to stall, and note that position of the screw. The final setting is midway between those two positions. This adjustment may throw off the idle adjustment, and so resetting it may be necessary.


Engage the throttle, and while the saw is running at full speed, turn the high-speed screw clockwise until the engine races and the motor sounds thin. Turn the high-speed screw counterclockwise until the motor takes on a lustier gurgling sound without losing power. Check the engine speed with the digital tachometer. It should be fewer than 13,000 rpm.


Readjust both the low-speed screw and idle screw.

Things You Will Need

  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Compressed air
  • New air filter (optional)
  • High-octane gasoline
  • Two-cycle engine oil
  • Flat-head screwdriver
  • Digital tachometer


  • The clutch should engage the saw's chain by the time the engine reaches a speed of 3,800 rpm.


Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manual 2017

  • Keep people and pets out of the area when making the adjustments because the chain may spin unexpectedly.

References (2)

About the Author

Chris Deziel has a bachelor's degree in physics and a master's degree in humanities. Besides having an abiding interest in popular science, Deziel has been active in the building and home design trades since 1975. As a landscape builder, he helped establish two gardening companies.

(36 mm)CYLINDER TYPE:Aluminum with chrome plated boreINTAKE METHOD:Piston portedMANUFACTURER ADVERTISED H.P.:not advertisedWEIGHT:18 lbs. (0.35 to 0.45 mm)SPARK PLUG TYPE:Bosch WS5FSPARK PLUG GAP:0.020 in. (0.5 mm)CRANKSHAFT MAIN BEARINGS:BallFUEL TANK CAPACITY:33.8 fl. (8.2 kg) powerhead onlyOPERATOR CONFIGURATION:One Man operationHANDLEBAR SYSTEM:Anti-vibrationCHAIN BRAKE:OptionalCLUTCH:CentrifugalDRIVE TYPE:DirectCONSTRUCTION:Die cast magnesiumMAGNETO TYPE:Bosch Capacitor Discharge systemCARBURETOR:Tillotson HS seriesMAJOR REPAIR KIT:RK-23HSMINOR REPAIR KIT:DG-5HS/TAIR FILTER SYSTEM:Nylon mesh cartridgeSTARTER TYPE:Automatic rewindOIL PUMP:Automatic with manual overrideOPERATING RPM:8,000IGNITION TIMING:fixedBREAKER POINT SETTING:noneFLYWHEEL/COIL AIR GAP:0.014 to 0.018 in. Manual de motosierra mac 3200. (1 Liter)FUEL OIL RATIO:40:1RECOMMENDED FUEL OCTANE:RegularMIX OIL SPECIFICATION:McCulloch chain saw mix oilCHAIN PITCH.404 in.

Photo Credits

  • Hemera Technologies/ Images
Mcculloch mac 110 chainsaw carburetor

Mcculloch 130 Chainsaw

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Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Service Manual Pdf

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Deziel, Chris. 'How to Adjust the Carburetor on a McCulloch Chain Saw Model 310.' Home Guides SF Gate, Accessed 25 August 2019.

Mcculloch Mac 130 Chainsaw Manual

Deziel, Chris. (n.d.). How to Adjust the Carburetor on a McCulloch Chain Saw Model 310. Home Guides SF Gate. Retrieved from
Deziel, Chris. 'How to Adjust the Carburetor on a McCulloch Chain Saw Model 310' accessed August 25, 2019.

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